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ChipFill - Potholes and cracks

repairing solution


The most common trouble that is well noticed while passing over is potholes and cracks created due to traffic erosion combined with rainwater with passing vehicles. Without proper maintenance, these small to begin with defects get bigger and wider and turn into a serious issue and significant damage to the road surface. Adding to that the fact that most potholes fixes tend to become only a short-term solution road authority will have to repeat over and over again road repairing works with additional investments, labor costs, and traffic disturbance.


ChipFill products were designed exactly for that purpose. It reduces the need for heavy machinery, specifically trained teams with complected operations while providing an easy to handle application process with minimal labor, equipment, and vehicle costs.


Based on the potholes or cracks conditions and sizes you can easily pick the suitable ChipFill solution and move on.



The most innovative solution to the problem of cracks and holes in the road is a material called Chipfill™. This is a thermoplastic material for repairing defects such as cracks and holes of about 20 cm in diameter. Chipfill™ minimizes the risk of larger defects and can be done in about 15 minutes. The hot thermoplastic material adheres to the road better than other materials, blocking water entry and thus Prevents the expansion of the hole/crack. The use of Chipfill™ does not require the use of large and cumbersome machines, all you need is a road sweeper and a gas burner and you are ready to go.

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How does it look in reality?

Application Process


Application Instructions

  1. Cleaning the surface from dust, sand, oils, chemicals, etc.

  2. Remove as much moisture as possible using a burner

  3. Spread the material on the hole / crack in a layer of up to 1.5 cm

  4. Melting the material and uniting it with the road using a gas burner (the material will start to bubble and change color)


If the hole/crack is deeper than 1.5 cm it is important to let the layer stabilize before applying another layer on top of the first. In order to achieve the best result, the maximum depth should not exceed 4.5 cm.


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Potholes that are left unattended can become a great threat to road safety and beyond what ChipFill is able to repair on its own. This is where AggreFill comes to the rescue. By combining ChipFill with this pre-coated aggregate filler, you will be able to repair bigger and deeper holes and keep roads from deteriorating further.

How does it look in reality?

Application Instructions



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BandFill is our hot-applied sealer ideal for sealing cracks in the road surface as well as joints and edges of repaired asphalt areas. It prevents water ingress and progressive fretting which minimizes the risk of the cracks getting larger. In this way, you will avoid more extensive repairs, prolong the lifetime of the road, and keep costs down.

How does it look in reality?

Application Process



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ColdFill is a cold-applied, self-leveling sealer. The composition and mode of the application make it suitable for repairing long as well as irregular cracks but also surfaces with microcracks and small holes. These are the type of damages that are known to be difficult to repair properly - but the simple application of ColdFil makes it easy to handle. 

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